Buddy BreathTM

We invented, manufacture, and sell a product called Buddy Breath. There are several different formulations for dogs and and cats. Experience has shown us that your pet can be trained to accept and even welcome the use of one or more of these formulas.

How Buddy Breath Works

Despite its name, Buddy Breath is about a lot more than just sweet smelling dog breath. It does that too but in a more complicated way than just covering up a problem. It solves the problem.

The problem is that bacteria form what are called biofilms. Different types of bacteria form layers that stack up on top of each other. The last layers are composed of dangerous bacteria that can cause a dental disease called periodontitis. Buddy Breath doesn’t kill the germs. Instead it disrupts the biofilm, making it easy to wash off and prevents new biofilms from forming.


The way periodontitis destroys jawbones is the same in Humans and dogs. Basically it’s an infection.

The way it’s prevented and treated in Humans is well understood. Humans have a lot of options. They have flossing, brushing, and visits to dentists. The disease progresses slowly in most humans.

Unfortunately dogs do not have long lives compared to Humans and their periodontal disease progresses rapidly. Over a lifetime, 80% of dogs will have periodontal disease unless prevented.

Half of all dogs currently have some periodontal disease. It contributes to significant discomfort and can shorten their lives.


Endocarditis is a potentially fatal infection of the heart’s inner lining. It is six times more common in dogs with periodontal disease.

This is Buddy. Many years ago, he sat patiently for an oil panting by a now unknown artist. It is doubtful that the artist is still alive. Buddy is no longer with us physically but his memory lives on.

Sadly, Buddy BreathTM was not available then but we can use our excellent imaginations to suspect that both the artist and Buddy suffered from bad teeth in old age.

The artist may have been 60 years old when he had bad breath and started losing teeth due to periodontal disease.

How old was Buddy when he lost his first teeth and his bad breath made him an unwelcome guest at the family dinner table?

Sadly Buddy’s human is also no longer with us so we cannot ask –  only imagine.